We should acknowledge the chinese loans!
When other nations are promoting democracy in other countries, china has been taking a different path. This is building economies. China has been providing loans to African countries with no strings attached. These loans have been playing a huge part in eliminating poverty as well as fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic. Agencies China's total loans to Africa during 2000-18 have been tune of $148 billion , mostly in large-scale infrastructure projects. ... As per the IMF estimates, additional financing of up to $285 billion would be needed during 2021-25 by the African countries to step up their spending response to the Covid pandemic. China’s total loans to Africa during 2000-18 have been tune of $148 billion, mostly in large-scale infrastructure projects. During the past five years, around 66 per cent of the loan amount has been given for transportation and energy sectors, economic times has reliably gathered. Since 2010, the Chinese financial institutions have funded a...